Monday, March 24, 2014

Some painting pictures

On my quest towards 50 points, here are some recent models.

pVlad, wearing the Red and Gold:

Eiryss, sporting a Khadoran-themed paint job inspired by Nick Kay's great Privateer Press Insider Article:

One of the Widowmaker Grunts who just got his paint job:

And one of the other Widowmaker Grunts:

My Buddy Vlad

I've been playing a lot of pVlad lately.

pVlad is pretty low-tech to me. He operates in two-modes: either his army is awesome, or he is awesome.

In Mode 1, Vlad's Army is Awesome, I mostly try to keep him out of the line of fire. At the beginning of the turn, I hand out focus to Warjacks (these days, usually Conquest and possibly a friend), and then Vlad activates, finds a nice spot to stand, and casts Signs&Portents. That's about it. As long as he picked a good spot to stand, he's Doing It Right, and good things happen. I have lost a few games because I left him exposed with no focus, and he is durable, but not invincible. His decent 14" control area really helps with this because he can affect a large part of the board and stay tucked away... IF I do that well. Interestingly, Vlad's feat is good, but I don't build my army or play around it. If things "roll my way", I can have a great time launching a Conquest with a 15 inch threat range, but

In Mode 2, Vlad says "Gotta do it myself!" and it's Blood of Kings and 3 remaining focus. He kills pretty much anything he touches, but I don't find myself in the mode too often.

I have been playing Vlad with Conquest and possibly a Juggernaut. Guys Who Play Better Than I Do also tell me he is awesome with Drago. I don't own Drago yet, but I could see him as a low-focus low-maintenance addition to the army.

Here's the 50-pt list I've been running:

pVlad (5 WJ points)
-- Conquest (19 points)
-- War Dog (1 point)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5 points)
Winterguard Infanty (full) (6 points)
Winterguard Officer + Standard (2 points)
Winterguard Infantry Rocketeer (1 point)
Kovnik Joe (2 points)
Winterguard Rifle Corp (full) (8 points)
Widowmakers (5 points)
Widowmaker Marksman (2 points)
Manhunter (2 points)
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios (3 points)

This is a lot of infantry, and tough to run timed, but all the Winterguard Infantry and Rifle Corps just love working with Signs & Portents. The Manhunter and all the Widowmakers can cause plenty of trouble for outlying support solos, and Eiryss gets her paycheck disrupting 'jacks that want to pay Vlad or Conquest a visit. Overall, I like this list, although I *really* would like to have another Warjack in it. I'm still playing it right now, and it's a lot of fun.

I'm trying to get this list fully painted -- it's getting close. Eiryss needs a bit more detail, then I just have the Rifle Corps to paint, and Conquest to finish. Maybe by Kingdom Con!